
Carolyn Saylor, an artist in Orange County, California, transitioned from a career in graphic design to become a full-time studio artist in 2022. Her work combines graphic illustrations with figurative yet amorphous forms to convey spiritual narratives.

Carolyn presently works with ceramics. Her hand built sculptures, characterized by subtle, evocative facial expressions and an original visual vocabulary of illustrations, prompt viewers to contemplate stories that transcend time.

Artist Statement

When I create my sculptures I envision them at a colossal scale, as big as mountains, guarding whatever might be nearby.  Wings and eyes appear often in my work representing angels, the Spirit or sources of protection. I often imagine these celestial beings standing watch as I sleep or drive.

The incorporation of illustrations onto three-dimensional forms was initially an experiment. I had cultivated a paper-cut illustration style in my 2D art practice, but did not consider that the two could relate. In hindsight, the merge was obvious and has become a defining milestone in the evolution of my artistic style. 

Many aspects of my work are deeply rooted in my spiritual faith. I believe that when we engage in the act of creation, we connect with the very Creator that brought us into existence. I rarely sketch before making, preferring to illustrate intuitively during the process as I strive to see and share stories about an unseen world.

Photo by Paula Barron